Smart Recycling Bin Workshop


Description The Smart Recycling Bin workshop introduces participants to the concept of using technology to enhance recycling processes. Participants will learn how to build a Smart Recycling Bin system using recycling bins, micro:bit, a webcam, and Teachable Machine for trash classification. Through hands-on activities, participants will understand the integration of hardware, software, and machine learning techniques to create an efficient and automated recycling system.
Learning Outcomes On completion of the workshop, learners are expected to be able to:
  1. Understand the principles of machine learning and how it can be applied to real-world problems such as trash classification.
  2. Gain practical experience in assembling and integrating the workshop materials, including the wooden recycling bins, micro:bit controllers, webcam, and Teachable Machine platform.
  3. Develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through troubleshooting and debugging activities during the setup and configuration of the Smart Recycling Bin system.
  • 2-3 hours
Learning Contents
  • Introduction to Image Classification
  • Introduction to micro:bit Programming
  • Using a Webcam and Teachable Machine
  • Training the Trash Classification Model:
  • Integration of Teachable Machine and micro:bit
Supporting Tools
  • Laptop/PC with Windows 10 or above x 1
  • micro:bit x 1
  • Robot:bit x 1
  • Web Cam x 1
  • P5.js