HomeSTEAM Education
STEAM Education
STEAM Student Workshop
(VTC Students)
STEAM Student Workshop
(Secondary School Students)
Summer Camp
STEAM Competition
Potential in STEAM with innovative Thinking
Equip VPET students, especially VTC students with a non-Steam background, with essential knowledge of STEAM subjects and a focus on nurturing their interests and motivating self-directed exploration.
Exploring Innovative Pedagogies in Interdisciplinary Teaching
Inspire STEAM teachers from secondary schools and VPET institutes to create a more effective learning environment for students by keeping them abreast of new instruction tools and methods.
Stimulating Students' Enthusiasm in STEAM via Experiential Learning
Stimulate students' enthusiasm for STEAM disciplines via experiential learning, such as design and implementing innovative solutions in real-life contexts, with the aim of boosting STEAM enrolment in secondary and tertiary education.
Empowering Future STEAM Talents
Prepare the next generation of STEAM talents by fostering a growth mindset and encouraging creative problem-solving. Through mentorship programs, internships, and exposure to cutting-edge research, we can inspire students to envision themselves as innovators and contributors in the ever-evolving world of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
Promoting Emerging STEAM Careers as an ideal Career
Highlights the attractiveness of STEAM-related careers by inviting industry professionals to share cutting-edge development and personal experiences, and to collaboration with industry partners to develop a suitable talent pool with required skill sets.