Robotic Automation Workshop


Description Nowadays, robot arm is widely used in the manufacturing industry. Fast and precise control, robot arm work more efficiently than human beings. It can maintain consistent quality output with maximizing the profit. The workshop aims to introduce the automatic and manual control algorithm of the robot arm.
Learning Outcomes On completion of the workshop, learners are expected to be able to:
  1. Understand the significance of using robot arms in the manufacturing industry and their advantages in terms of fast, precise control and increased efficiency compared to human labor.
  2. Gain knowledge of the automatic and manual control algorithms used in robot arm systems.
Contact Hours
  •  2 - 3 hours
Learning Contents
  • Introduction to Robotic Arm Applications
  • Introduction to micro:bit programming
  • Robotic Arm Programming
Supporting Tools 
  • Laptop/PC with Windows 10 or above x 1
  •  micro:bit x 2
  • Robot:bit x 1